Monday, September 21, 2009

First Impressions on Hardcore Fest...

MuYesterday, I attended the third and final day of the Great American Hardcore Festival in Revere, Massachusetts. While I've been suffering from a particularly nasty chest cold for the past three days, I'll do my best to remain lucid and make a few quick observations:

-Converge's set was surprisingly disappointing. There wasn't a lot of crowd movement or interaction, a power outage cut short at least one of their songs, and the set list was geared heavily towards new material.

-The Carrier was great as always, and other great sets included Guns Up!, Trash Talk, Colin of Arabia, and Powertrip, the last of which I had never heard of.

-Club Lido was... an interesting venue, to say the least. I'm not sure its the best for hardcore shows, but it is a great general festival space.

I'll have a full review with much more detail posted this Wednesday.

-Michael James Roberson